As a voice for industry, our industry tiers of membership reflects leadership in the field. To support our members and help maintain our position as a leading advocate for safety, and agency for change on current and emerging issues, the WAHA have announced that they will resume hosting Technical Meetings in the 2022 year.
The first event, scheduled for the 19th of January 2022. During this WAHA Technical Meeting we will engage with our members, and guests who work within the working at height and confined spaces industries as we continue to work on a number of projects around the need for standardised training.

The second event is scheduled for the 24th of February 2022. During this WAHA Technical Meeting we will engage with our members, and guests on topics surrounding the installation and certification of height safety systems.
WAHA Members can register to attend via EventBrite.
If you or your organisation would like to present at any of our future meetings, please contact us today.