Source: Safe Work Australia
Complacency kills. When hazardous work is undertaken without a clear plan for how to do it safely, workers can be injured or killed.
Everyone who works in construction needs to know what a SWMS is for and how to use it. Our new interactive SWMS tool will help you do this.
Review here: Interactive SWMS Guidance Tool
This tool is for:
- people responsible for preparing and using a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for high risk construction work (HRCW)
- a small business that has to prepare their own SWMS
- people new to the construction industry.
This tool will help you understand:
- what a SWMS does, how it makes a difference, and what the model work health and safety (WHS) laws say about preparing and using a SWMS
- how to prepare a SWMS
- how to use a SWMS in the workplace and keep it up to date.
It includes videos and activities to help explain how a SWMS works. You can work through the entire tool, or click on the module you are interested in below to go straight to the information you need.