DeScent & Rescue

The often-forgotten component of a fall protection system is the need for a rescue plan and the equipment required to make this effective. There are significant risks to users who are left suspended and medically untreated in the event of a fall. In this instance the operators should have in place a site-specific plan for rescue that does not rely on simply calling 000 in the event of an emergency.

The emergency response plan must be site-specific and outline the process by which the worker(s) will be retrieved from a hanging position, post a fall. This plan must ensure a quick response to prevent suspension intolerance.

The emergency response will plan should be included and covered off on the site safe work method statement (SWMS) or site Toolbox Talk to ensure that all workers understand and accept their responsibilities in the event of an emergency rescue. Therefore, all workers need to be trained and competent to perform rescues.

The WAHA recommends contacting suppliers of fall protection equipment and/or training companies in seeking the correct advice on the equipment they may require for fall protection and rescue equipment on their sites.