Sydney Harbour Bridge construction, 1930
Image provided by the NSW State Library (Public Domain)

A Brief History

The Working at Height Association of Australia (WAHA) was established in 2009 in response to the industry’s demand for a peak body to provide information, guidance and support for businesses needing to address working at height issues.

Formerly known as the Fall Protection Manufacturer’s Association (FPMA), the members identified the need to expand its mission to offer a forum for commercial businesses, training organisations, consumers and all those involved in working at height to meet as a community with a common goal of developing a pathway to higher safety standards.

With this expansion, the Association recognised the parallels in risk profiles between working at height and that of confined space entry and work. Defining a fall risk as essentially anywhere there is a potential of a fall from one level to another, a confined space by its nature clearly fits into this category and has consequently become a key area of focus for the Association as we continue to evolve.

Our Mission

The WAHA is dedicated to supporting and influencing the ongoing development of safe practice, equipment innovation, systems and product design, continuous education of all stakeholders and the operational competency of all persons working at height and in confined spaces.

As a professional membership organisation, WAHA is a centre for the working at heights, safety, engineering and design communities to come together to advance safety, increase knowledge and advocate for best practice in the discipline.

As a voice for industry, our industry tiers of membership reflects leadership in the field, utilising an internal audit process for our Gold and Silver Members to ensure we represent best practice and to help maintain our position as a leading advocate for safety, and agency for change on current and emerging issues. Our Bronze Members are companies who support best practice. Our Individual and Student Members represent a community of engaged professionals from a variety of industries with an interest and incentive to enhance safety in the workplace.

With over 50 Member Companies, the aim of the organisation is act as a representative voice for industry, provide professional alignment and facilitate continuous learning by managing and improving the Body of Knowledge library.

Aims & Objectives

Every Member of the Working at Height Association is an Industry Ambassador.

WAHA Main Objectives